Sunshine started with a bad cough about two weeks ago - went to the dr they said she had an ear infection. So on antibiotics she went. A few days later her cough kept getting worse instead of better so back to the dr we went. This time they said her lungs sounded a little funny, the weren't sure but thought she might have walking pneumonia so on a 5 day medicine she went. The cough faded away some but not totally. In the meantime Lil Buddy started to get a really bad cough, congestion and runny nose so off to the Dr he went on Thursday, turns out he too had an ear infection so more medicine to add to our neverending pharmacy here at home. With Friday I thought they were all on the mend and that things were looking up until that afternoon when Sunshine started pushing her shoulder up into her ear telling me that it hurts. Now she isn't one to complain about pain so I knew there had to be something wrong and in a big way. So that afternoon back to the Dr she went and well she had 2 ear infections one full blown and one just starting. What a great way to start the weekend for the kids. Friday night she had a birthday party to go to at a Dance Studio which under normal circumstances would have been wonderful and a great new experience for her. But with her ear bothering her she didn't really enjoy herself. Luckily after a good night of sleep she seemed a little better.
As the weekend progressed though neither of them seemed to be getting better as we would have expected taking antibiotics and Sunshine was having GI Tract issues with the new stronger antibiotic they put her on since she had just been on Amoxicillan the week before. It made Sunday a very long day. After talking to a nurse on the phone from the drs answering service we were able to get her fixed up and the night ended on a happy note.
This morning we made yet another trip to the Dr's office only this time we didn't mess around we went straight to the guy that has the most experience. After about an hour and a half of being at the Dr we left armed with new prescriptions and actual answers. Turns out the ear infections for both kids were SECONDARY issues to problems they were having in their lungs/chest so he gave us an inhaler for them both to use, some medicine to help their lungs along with a new antibiotic for Sunshine that isn't as strong that will hopefully help her and leave her GI tract alone.
Hoping that in the next few days we see a big change in their health for the better.
Until next time
Prayers going out for your littles to get better and fast!