Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Does Not Eating a Chicken Sandwich Help Gay Rights?

So unless you have been hiding under a rock the past week or so you are well aware of the controversy arround Chick-Fil-A and Gay Marriage. I personally find the whole ordeal amusing - people really need to take a step back, look at the situation and then proceed instead of just reacting.....but just reacting truly is the American way I've come to believe.

I myself am a Christian, but I also believe that you love who you love and that a person is born gay they do not choose it. Who in the world would willingly choose to be part of one of the most discriminated against groups, I know that I wouldn't? I have both friends and family that are gay and fully support them. You may ask how I can be a Christian and support gays and my answer to that is quite simple. God is the judge not me - God commands us to love one another, so loving one another regardless of who they are is my job so that is what I do. It is up to God to judge our actions and let us past the gates into Heaven not for us to judge others while we are here on earth. Ok so now that you know a little bit about where I stand with both Christianity and Gays I will proceed with why I think this whole ordeal is nuts.

If you go to Chick-Fil-A on a regular basis you are well aware that they are closed on Sundays and there is even a sign in each store explaining it. Even if you skipped the sign you are probably well aware that Sunday is the day of rest and that is why they are closed. So knowing that plain and simple fact you are aware that the company was built and operates on Christian beliefs, so the announcement that the company is for the Biblical version of what marriage is shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, not to mention I've actually heard it mentioned before. So now people all across the country are in an  uproar, about something that they already knew if they actually think about it, and are boycotting Chick-Fil-A's and future store openings all around the country in support of Gay Rights.

So here are my thoughts and questions for you before you decide either to go or not to go to Chick-Fil-A in the future.

My Questions To You:
  1. Do you know the belief systems behind all of the companies that you currently purchase products from and are you prepared to boycott them as well when you find out?
  2. Do you truly think that not buying a chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A is really going to do anything to imporve the rights of Gay Americans?
My Thoughts

  1. I must commend Chick-Fil-a for not being afraid of the reaction of the American People when they made the statement of their beliefs. They are a very successful company and a lot is at stake for them. Their move goes to show that they truly are a company that believes in God - they are a "Godly" company and not a "Worldly" company. If they were a "Worldly" company they would never have said anything in fear of what it would do to their bottom line but that isn't the case.
  2. If you want to do something for gay rights get out and vote, talk to your local, state and federal government. Get involved don't just not buy a chicken sandwich. Not buying a chicken sandwich just gets you in on the latest big thing and on the cover of a newspaper or on the local news. It does NOTHING to help the rights of Gays. When you don't buy a chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A the only people you are hurting are the local franchise owner, the employees that work there and yourself because there is no other fast food chicken that tastes as good! So find your local government agencies and find out how you can get involved to make an actual change, not just a perceived change.
So will my family and I continue to go to Chick-Fil-A? You better believe we will, my kids love it, they have great food and great service. But on that same note I will also continue to show up at elections to vote for the rights of Gay Americans - because as I said before it is NOT my job to judge others nor is it my job to take away the rights of other humans.

Until Next Time -

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