Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas: Paper Chain Countdown

This past Sunday when we left Cross Point Community Church here in Knightdale - Anya had a little packet to bring home with her. When we got home I took a look at it and found what was inside to be an awesome idea! The idea was to make a paper chain, which is honestly quite common this time of year, but there was a twist. Each piece of the chain had a date for the month of December on it and on the back of it you are to write something on it that you would do together as a family. To create memories as a family and to focus back on Jesus and not on the commercialized holiday that Christmas has become. I loved the idea and we got right to work. Some of them already had events on the back of them that pertained to church activities that we are participating in. Then there was a list on labels that we could peel and stick to give us ideas of things to do, then there were ones that we wrote out ourselves.

This is what we came up with for December 2 - 31st for our Countdown Paper Chain - this will definitely be a new tradition for my family! Some were from church stickers provided and others were our own:

Crafts for Grandparents
Pray for Christmas to be about Jesus
Color Christmas Pictures
Read a Christmas Book
Breakfast for Dinner
Watch Christmas Special
Disney on Ice for the Girls and Oasis
Read Christmas Story from the Bible
Gingerbread House and attend our friends Christmas Production
Preschool Christmas Program
Christmas story with the nativity
Rehearsal for Church Program
Friends Birthday Party, Special Dinner with Family and Church Children's Program
Hillridge Farms for lights with friends
Picnic in front of the tree
Mom-Moms Birthday
Drive and look at lights
Make Paper Snowflakes
Bake Cookies
Cookie Exchange with Friends and Camp by the tree
Decorate Christmas Cookies for St Nick
Christmas Eve Service and Make our Happy Birthday Jesus Cake
Merry Christmas!!!!
Deliver Holiday treat to Police or Fire
A special treat
Find things we can donate to others
Visit with friends
Craft Day
Raleigh First Night Acorn Drop - Kids Version

Once we had all of our dates filled out with activities and our chain taped together we put it on our Christmas tree that way it would be easy for Anya to reach each day to tear off that days chain activity.

A very big thank you to whoever thought of this activity for the kids at Cross Point Community Church. We love it!

Until Next Time -

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