Friday, August 10, 2012

The Joy on Their Faces

My daughter attends a local preschool at a Methodist Church and this was their last week of "Summer Camp" before they start up for the new school year. They have had water play over the course of the summer and have enjoyed the mud just as much as they have enjoyed the water play. So the teachers decided to concede and let the kids have a mud day instead.

When I heard the news I had a great idea - I could come in and read my favorite book from when I was a little kid. It was a book that I got way back in the 80's as part of the Weekly Reader Book Club. "The Piggy in The Puddle" by Charlotte Pomerantz.

Here are a few lines:

See the piggy, See the puddle, See the muddy little puddle.
See the piggy in the middle Of the muddy little puddle.
See her dawdle, see her diddle
In the muddy, muddy middle.
See her waddle, plump and little,  In the very merry middle.

I've read the book a few times to Anya, and thought how much fun it would be to go to school and read it to her and her friends before they went out and played in muddy puddles. So this past Wednesday I had the privilege to read to 18 kids between the ages of 2 & 5 about the piggy in the puddle. They were all so well behaved and listened to every word I said, it was great and Anya was smiling ear to ear with excitement that I was there to read to her and her little friends. When I left they all told me thank you for coming to read to them and I even got a couple of hugs from Anya and some of her friends. What a great way to start the day and a great reminder of what's really important in the midst of living in a chaotic world.

Until Next Time -

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