Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Time for the two of us

Andre and I celebrated our 7 year wedding Anniversary this past April. In those 7 years we accomplished a lot. We moved from NJ to NC, started new jobs, bought our first home and had two beautiful children. We've made new friends, made a new life found an amazing church family and as my husband says "we stumbled into a life"

Since having our first child in 2008 it has been very rare that we do anything for ourselves. With the exception of the occasional dinner out by ourselves, everything we have done has been for our children or with our children. This year at the last minute we decided we would do something for ourselves.

On a whim we decided to book a room at Virginia Beach for just the two of us. We enjoyed the drive there with no need for extra potty stops, no asking are we there yet, no complaining about being in the car. It was weird not having the kids there in the car but at the same time it was nice to have an actual conversation with Andre, something that rarely happens these days. When we got there we checked into our room and then went for a walk on the boardwalk we walked for a few hours and just enjoyed the area and each others company. We enjoyed dinner at a restaurant that we have never been to before we walked on the beach in the early morning. It was only one night away but it was amazing. The short trip was definitely a reminder that we do need to take time away from the kids no matter how hard it may be to do and enjoy our time together.

Here are a few pictures from our trip.

Until Next Time - 

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