Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Technology To Save Your Life

In this day and age technology is EVERYWHERE. Our homes are filled with cellphones, televisions, dvr's, blue rays, video game systems, IPADS, eReaders and everything else under the sun that you can think of. We fill our minds and homes with the buzz of everything being on and there is never silence and our hands are rarely empty. We make sure that all of our electronics always have batteries in them and are charged ready to go on a moments notice.

But I have a question - do you have the technology in your home to save your life? Do you have smoke detectors and even more importantly do you have working batteries in them? Do you have a carbon monoxide detector? And one of the most important things you can own is a NOAA Weather Radio, do you have one?  The television is plagued night after night with stories of fires in homes where whole families perish, stories of horrible storms and tornados coming through towns in the night and people being taken from this world with no warning, don't you think you think you and your family at least deserve a fighting chance? A smoke detector, carbon detector or Weather Radio can't save your life by itself but it can surely give you a heads up and a warning to give you a fighting chance. So the next time you decide you want a new piece of Technology buy a piece that is actually worth the money you spend on it.

Oregon Scientific NOAA Weather Radio Shown

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