Friday, March 2, 2012

What's for Dinner?

So I've been trying to get healthier but I'll be the first to admit that it is a struggle! The first time I went down this path and made it to my goal I was still single and lived with my mom. It was only the two of us so we would cook all day Sunday put meals in the freezer and that's what we ate, there was no one else in the house to worry about what they were going to eat or anything like that. Fast forward about 8 or so years and I'm now a wife, a mother of 2 kids under the age of 4 and spare time doesn't exist. Not to mention the hubby and kids have different food tastes and there are many things that they are just unwilling to even try....especially since the hubby does the cooking most nights!

But you know what something's gotta give. I sit here and I watch the Food Network, Rachael Ray and The Chew on an almost daily basis and see all kinds of delicious and healthy meals come across the screen. Now there are plenty of things that they cook on these shows that I can't even imagine myself eating only because I assume that I don't like an ingredient in it....even though I've never had it, but there are so many more recipes that they show that I would just love to eat if I would just buy the ingredients and make them.

So I have to ask myself these questions:
  1. If I know what I'm eating is CRAP-O-LA why do I keep eating it and letting my family eat it? Am I that hooked on convenience? And if that is the case most fresh meals take just as long as some of the things out of a box.
  2. If I know I need to eat things that are healthier and set a better if not a wonderful example of eating habits for my family than why don't I change them?
So I'm going to challenge myself and my family for that matter to think well really cook outside of the box and start cooking fresher. Here are just a couple of yummy things I've seen on TV this week that I'm going to attempt to add to our menu this week:

So these are Meat Free Fajitos I saw on Rachael Ray I'm not a fan of mushrooms nor is the hubby so we would take out the mushrooms and replace them with Grilled Chicken - but how yummy and healthy would this be for dinner?

Now this one isn't as healthy - but it is made with all fresh ingredients vs using a can of Pasta Sauce so that right there has to make a big difference....or at least in my opinion it would - Also from Rachael Ray

And I just saw a Turkey Milanese recipe on Giada that looked really good - they didn't have a picture up on the website but it looked great! And healthy!

So with that I'm going to change our menu, change our grocery list and with a new meal plan change our lives.....for the better!

Do you find yourself stuck "in the box" when it comes to cooking? Or are you already great at cooking fresh? I would love to hear about your cooking experience especially if you have been able to make the "in the box" to "fresh" transition!

Happy Cooking and Happy Friday!

Until next time

1 comment:

  1. We are very stuck in the box, especially not knowing what time I will arrive home from work each day. It was one thing when I was home but even then I still cooked from a box just cause it was easier. AT least I am willing to try new things unlike Chris who looks at it funny and says no way LOL but I would like to start making healthier meals even if it's a different casserole or crock pot dish that I can throw together in the morning that Chris can put on to cook when he gets home. Time to start thinking how to cook outside the box :)
