Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pins in Action: Leprechaun Cake

So I've done a TON of pinning on Pinterest and I decided that it is finally time to stop looking at things I would like to do and start to actually do them. So my hope is for this to be the first of many pinning related posts.

,So I found this cool Leprechaun cake on Pinterest and since my sister and brother-in-law were coming over to celebrate their birthdays with us on St. Patty's day I decided that I would go ahead and give it a try. I've put the pictures of my cake and the original cake from the Not Martha Blog and found through Pinterest below. I didn't have everything I needed to do all of the decorating like she did since I decided to do this at the last minute, so the only thing you can truly compare is the actual cake inside, which I was pretty happy with. Next time I do this I'm going all in though with the decorating and everything.

The Original Cake

My Cake

I really have no idea how she made her colors go around the pan so perfectly (her picture is above) mine looks a bit like a train wreck! Maybe it just takes practice!

My very non decorated outside of my cake - next time I'm hoping to do it like hers at the top with the Leprechaun trap door and everything

So have you actually tried any of the thousands of things that you have Pinned? I would love to hear about your experience.

Until Next Time -

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